How much data does Tassomai use?

It isn’t as much as you think!

Reviewing Tassomai’s data usage

Amid calls for mobile data and broadband companies to extend a helping hand to families and students in need, we wanted to update users on how much data Tassomai’s app requires for students to complete their daily goals.

Lockdown homeschooling presents many difficulties for teachers and students across the country, but it’s a particular challenge for students with limited or no access to technology at home to assist their learning. Those fortunate enough to have smart phones are not always lucky enough to have a strong internet connection or enough mobile data to complete their virtual studies. 

The Tassomai app

Many students who used to use the Tassomai app while jostling with busy public transport and school buses now use it as part of their homeschooling or in socially distanced lessons. Technology is an integral and inevitable part of modern education and we hope that by keeping our app’s data usage to a minimum, students can use Tassomai as much as possible to help them through this turbulent time. 

The site doesn’t have an offline mode as it's constantly feeding information to its servers. This lets Tassomai tailor its content to the user’s ability, but we know that some students have concerns about how much data each quiz uses.

The good news is that Tassomai requires very little data to operate, as it has a simple interface, no data heavy annotations, and no annoying adverts or pop ups - this means it uses less than 1KB of data per question, which is 0.000001 GB. 

What does this actually mean?

Mobile data isn't cheap and students may worry that those hours spent studying on Tassomai will mean they don’t have enough data to browse social media or to keep in touch virtually with their friends. (Parents, of course, may be worrying about the reverse!)

To ease all fears and put this into perspective we’ve made some comparisons, so it is easier to see how much value students are getting from their data:

  • Completing a daily goal would use roughly as much data as sending a short email with no attachments

  • 7,200 questions would use roughly as much data as scrolling on instagram for 1 hour

  • 65,000 questions would use roughly as much data as FaceTiming a friend for 20 minutes

  • 420,000 questions would use roughly as much data as watching TikTok videos for 30 minutes

  • 1,000,000 questions would use roughly as much data as watching a 2 hour video on Youtube


If our algorithm sees that a student is struggling with a particular topic then they are invited to watch a short 60-90 second video on the topic to give them a better understanding. These videos will require more mobile data to view, but no more than watching a video of a similar length on a platform like YouTube. 

Students are able to skip these videos and can also opt to be shown videos only when connected to Wi-Fi if they are worried about their data usage. We know students can ‘tune out’ when they watch videos on other platforms, so ours are kept as short and targeted as possible to ensure maximum engagement.

To read more about our tutorial videos click here.

Students and parents alike really don’t need to worry about Tassomai’s data consumption, they can use the app as much as they like with very little impact on their monthly bill!

If you’re new to Tassomai you can find out about school packages here or start a free trial if you’re a private subscriber.