When to start Tassomai

The early bird gets the grades!

Starting Tassomai early, for example at the start of year 9 or 10 for students working towards their GCSE exams, allows plenty of time for students to work their way through the relevant content and solidify their knowledge.  

✔ Building confidence
✔ Establishing good learning techniques
✔ Reducing exam stress

blue “early” bird catching the worm
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Students benefit from the “pretesting effect”

Early starters will see questions about topics they haven’t yet been taught about in school, this is intentional and something which many teachers love about the program.

By quizzing material not yet studied, research has shown students learn far more effectively in class - and retain that knowledge for longer.

Note that teachers and private subscribers also have the ability to customise content, turning topics on and off when required.

Students always say: “Miss do you know how I remembered that.... Tassomai”.
- Amy Hill, Deputy Head of Science, Frogmore Community College

Tassomai app used in class
Sand timer

How much time does it take to complete a course?

Each course varies in length, and every student using Tassomai will have a unique experience because the algorithm adapts to their pace of learning.

Some students have completed our GCSE science course in less than six months, but most students spend ten to fifteen minutes a day on Tassomai over a longer period of time while working towards their GCSEs.

Tassomai also helps late joiners who are closer to their exam date

Tassomai is an excellent revision tool that enables students to boost their knowledge in areas where they need it most.

The algorithm identifies any knowledge gaps and creates a personalised programme of content for the student. It helps them make the most of the time they have left to revise, it’s also much less daunting than staring at a pile of textbooks wondering where to start!.

Within an hour I remembered more through Tassomai than with 10 hours of revision from a textbook."
- Year 10 student, Budehaven

Tassomai’s algorithm personalises content for each user

Completing the course

If a student is using Tassomai to prepare for a particular exam, it may be unrealistic to expect them to work their way through all the relevant content if they start the program close to their exam date. However it’s never too late to start! Tassomai is still a convenient and effective revision aid - it’s also easy to turn topics on and off, enabling students to focus on specific areas.

I always got 5s and 6s but you helped me get an overall 8-8, I’m super happy.
- Tassomai student on Twitter

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Explore the different course options for schools and private subscribing families.