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Exciting New Updates for the New School Year

Welcome back! We hope you have all had a relaxing summer break and are looking forward to the new academic year. There have been a few changes on Tassomai over the last few months that we are excited to share with you all… 

1. New Subjects!

We are officially trialling our new Geography, History and Computer Science courses this term with a handful of schools who signed up before the summer. We hope to be rolling these courses out more widely in the coming months and can’t wait to see what you think! They are all content-heavy subjects, so students will really benefit from having a little-and-often approach to their learning to make sure all of their knowledge stays embedded throughout the year.

We have lots of blog posts with tips and tricks coming up over the next few weeks that will focus specifically on these 3 new subjects, so keep an eye out for more articles soon. 

2. Live Lessons are BACK!

Whether you came to every session last term or are looking to sign up your student(s) for the first time, our new series of Live Lessons will take place once a week, starting on Wednesdays. There will be additional sessions available during the October half term to help kick start revision for mock exams.

After the break we will switch to hosting the lessons on Tuesdays – we are making this switch to make sure students and teachers who have after school activities are able to attend at least one half term. 

We will be releasing a full calendar of dates and topics soon so watch this space! In the meantime, you can find out more about Live Lessons and rewatch sessions from last term here.

3. Updated GCSE Survival Guide!

For the start of this academic year, we are releasing an updated version of our GCSE Survival Guide, which will include expert advice on the structure of each of our new subjects as well as sections on mental health, wellbeing and revision. 

This guide is aimed at parents of GCSE students and will help to break down exactly what they need to know to support their child through these tricky years. If you are a parent please download the guide, and if you’re a teacher please point parents towards the download page or share the URL on social media… www.tassomai.com/gcse-survival-guide

4. NEW Points System

We are changing the way Tassomai awards points to students to prevent students from guessing answers and ensure that hard work is rewarded. The new scoring system will give bigger rewards for correct answers and further penalise incorrect answers so that students are encouraged to really think about their answers.

Completing a Bonus Goal will also give students a head start on the following day’s Daily Goal as a way of rewarding the extra effort they are putting in. Students will also earn double points on quizzes they take after watching a video. We hope these changes will incentivise students to engage with their quizzes and improve their accuracy over time.

5. NEW Printables for Teachers

This new feature will allow teachers to download a printable output of their learners’ data, including statistics such as their strongest and weakest topics, the number of questions they have answered, their overall accuracy and the number of Daily Goals they have completed. 

This data can be used for school inspections, departmental planning meetings, parents’ evenings and even for students to stick in their workbooks as a permanent record of their progress. Students could have a print out of their data at the start of each term and then compare their results at the end of that term in class to see how they’ve progressed and identify how their strengths and weaknesses have changed.

We are always looking at ways we can expand and improve Tassomai’s offering and can’t wait to see what you think of all of these exciting new changes this academic year!