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Tassomai's revision webinar for parents - here's what you missed

On Wednesday 3rd November, Murray Morrison, Tassomai’s founder and CEO, sat down with Kit Betts-Masters to discuss the best ways to revise for mock exams and what parents can do to help their children. Kit is Director of Learning Science at Abbeyfield School and the science teacher behind the YouTube channel “Gorilla Physics”, he also uses Tassomai with his students and has a keen interest in the science of learning.

We have broken the recording of the webinar down into four helpful videos where Murray and Kit expand on a range of revision techniques and strategies as well as answering questions from parents who attended the webinar on the day.

So whether you missed the webinar or are looking to recap on some of the topics covered on the night, all the information you need is below!

How to prepare for mocks

This first clip introduces both Murray and Kit before they dive into their main discussion. They then begin to focus on the different attitudes students have to exams and revision, and the ways in which these approaches can be both helpful and unhelpful.

Murray explains his method of identifying the animal characteristics that most represent stressed out learners and how parents can help when their children are struggling. To read more on this topic see this blog post from Murray.

Do mock exams really matter?

The two revision experts then get to the crux of some of the biggest issues surrounding revision, as they address the most efficient ways to revise and how parents can help their children get mock exam ready.

Murray and Kit talk about how useful mock exams can be and which specific revision techniques are most and least effective. They also discuss how parents can strike a good balance between supporting their child and encouraging them to do their best. 

How can Tassomai help?

The pair then focus on how Tassomai can help parents and students to plan their revision and develop a strategy for approaching their assessments.

Murray and Kit discuss rapid feedback, interleaving topics and how Tassomai can help students to identify their problem areas through quizzing and the use of tools like ‘The Tree’.

To find out more about how Tassomai works, click here.

Parents’ burning revision questions

Finally, Murray and Kit answer questions from parents about revision, mock exams and how parents can help support their children around assessments. 

Make sure to follow our social media pages if you're interested in finding out more about our online events and platform as a whole! We are on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You can find more great videos on our YouTube channel here.

During the webinar, both Kit and Murray refer to Tassomai’s GCSE Survival Guide for parents, which is a 28-page guide compiled with the help of subject specialists, education experts and mental health campaigners to try to break down what parents need to know about the GCSE period.

Our contributors share advice on everything from revision techniques to supporting teenagers’ mental wellbeing.

The guide is free to download from our website at: www.tassomai.com/gcse-survival-guide.

If you’re a teacher, a parent yourself or you know someone with a child in years 9-11, please download the guide or point others towards it.